Orange lillies
Exotic flower
Crocus - the first flowers of spring 2008
Crazy looking flower
Rachel De Thame picks her favourite part of the show. "One of the highlights of Tatton for me are the bedding displays. The RHS/ Ball Colegrave National Flowerbed Competition is great and the displays are done better here than anywhere else. It's done much bolder, brighter and better up north and the bedding schemes certainly show that." "The exhibitiors work very hard on their flowerbeds and often put a lot of humour and skill into them. I particularly like the bed that's like a ploughed field complete with its own hare. There are some great designs with really interesting stories behind them."
Robert Nyman
Like, flowers
Orange lillies
A little pink color flower, look like glowing neon.
With surrounded by a tiny elements.
pollen-flowers posted a photo
light pink petals - gallery4217.jpg
Butterflies drinking water in wet sand next to a small jungle river. My lucky day - but I had more than one such encounter! During dry season the jungle leaves have little or no water to drink. Hence butterflies do what humans do when thirsty, they go - or fly - to the next "butterfly pub". Way up in the mountains - amidst jungle - was a small crystal clear jungle river. This place with wet sand about 1 meter away from the water. A few dozen butterflies always flying around this small spot and about a dozen at a time sitting down for a short while to take a few zips of water out of the wet sand.
During rainy season it may be far more difficult to find such crowds of butterflies on a single spot. During rainy season raindrops can easily be found all across the jungle vegetation.
See my earlier photos if you love to learn a little about butterfly life cycle or see some butterfly wallpaper from tropical islands or enjoy my Butterfly eCard collection.
In album Kingdom of Cambodia: Photos Cambodia scenery, eCards Cambodia nature
Info from:
Private Club
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