Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hampton garden inn louisville ky

Asim Shah posted a photo:


Exotic flower

Exotic flower

White flowers with blurred background

White flowers with blurred background

Blue Flowers - Flowers.jpg

flower - flower.gif

A traditional small farmhouse in Cambodia. Most farming is concentrating on rice farms. Hence half of the year the fields are empty and dry like the one farm shown on the picture here.
All family lives and works together on a farm. Thus family bonds are tight and loving. Traditional values of family is much higher than in industrial countries of Europe or USA where the value of family is near zero and the hunger for ego oriented career is killing more and more family relationships.
Farming in Cambodia is simple and mostly organic. Yet in a country of abundant water and fertile tropical climate the harvest depends only on the farmer's skills to plant and grow in harmony with nature. There is room to improve farming without the use of any chemicals or mono-culture systems.
In album Kingdom of Cambodia Pictures

Asim Shah posted a photo:


hawaiian flower - flower.jpg


Wild high grass as resource for roofing material. In tropical countries one of the best and free or cheap roofing material is high grass. Here a farmer girl from a small farm house nearby cuts the strong grass. Later the grass is bundled and dried in the sun - then either used on own hose or also sold on local market as a source of additional revenue.
Bundles of grass as roofing material offer an excellent isolation from the hot tropical sun. Houses with metal roofing often are like a baking oven, while grass covered houses are comfortably cool.
In album Kingdom of Cambodia Pictures
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